I love stories.
Storied objects fill my home and yard. Heirloom plants in the garden, handmade pottery in the kitchen, global knick-knacks in the living room, a Scottish claymore sword and pages from a 16th century choirbook in the dining room: all of these are layered with story, and continue to gather more layers with time.
Then there are the ink-and-paper stories, whose titles read like old friends. I love pulling a favorite book from the shelf and recalling our first meeting. James Riordan’s haunting Favorite Stories of the Ballet was my first introduction, at four years old, to stories such as Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty. I fell under The Hobbit‘s spell at seven years, The Chronicles of Narnia at eight, and The Lord of the Rings at nine. Robin McKinley’s fantasies continued to whet my appetite for the genre during high school, and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter made the early adult years immensely more enjoyable. Most impactful of all has been the Bible’s gut-wrenchingly beautiful story of a King who gives up everything, even his own life, to crush the dragon’s head and win back the heart of his true bride.
I hold a B.A. in Music and Art, summa cum laude, from Covenant College (Lookout Mountain, GA), where I worked for three years at the campus Writing Center, helping students to improve their writing skills. I earned my M.A. in Art History from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, with a focus on medieval and Renaissance art. I’ve also worked as a teacher at two classical schools, as well as teaching private music lessons.
Now most of my time is spent raising my three children, tutoring writing to middle-grade students, and writing stories of my own to share with readers young and old. My other delights include spending time with my husband and friends, traveling the world, tending the garden, playing piano and violin, and loving on our one-year-old border collie, Meg, who’s lighting fast but is always up for a snuggle and a belly rub!
Find out more about what I’m writing (and reading!) on my Amazon Author Page and Goodreads Author Page.